California Pickle & Sauce Co.
4053 Emery is a single-story, 5,000 square foot plant built for The California Pickle & Sauce Company circa 1914. California Pickle & Sauce was founded by A. Kreye and L.F. Helmond in Oakland in 1906.
The operation had a fleet of trucks that delivered their products all over the Bay Area and exported their products across the Pacific including Hawaii, Japan, and China.
Ownership of the company traded hands several times over the decades. By 1933, they were owned by Western Food Co. In 1930, Kruger & Sons took over the space and occupied the building into the 1950s. The company still exists as the family-run “Kruger Foods” based out of Stockton.

As of 2022, the space was occupied by Oru Kayak (who make a foldable Kayak) and Highwire Coffee Roasters.
The building remains relatively unchanged and the photo above shows where a Santa Fe rail spur existed where 40th Street is now.