The Last Emeryville Historians | The E’ville Eye
For a city so rich in history, I’m often perplexed why Emeryville’s History is so buried. We have no museum, historical places are often unmarked and online resources are few. In fact, if you want to learn anything about Emeryville History, you have to go to the Oakland Public Library.
Some of the last defenders of Emeryville History are an aging group of history buffs called the Emeryville Historical Society (EHS). One of the last active members is Oakland resident Don Hausler.
Now in his late 70’s, Don lives in an aging craftsman in Oakland’s Lakeshore District. We sat down with Don at his home to hear some fascinating stories about our city, and his efforts to preserve them for future generations. “I don’t know how long we can keep this going” he mentioned in the course of the interview.