Women’s History Month: Who was Anna Yates? |
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Women’s History Month: Who was Anna Yates?

Women’s History Month: Who was Anna Yates?

Anna Yates adorns Emeryville Unified’s K-8 school and most residents are familiar with her name. But very little is known or has been written about her.

We’ve been able to piece a bit of a snapshot of her life using newspaper archives, city directories and census data.

Lucius Yates

Anna’s father Lucius Yates was born in New York in 1832. He immigrated to California with his first wife as a young man and settled in Stockton where he operated a horse stable.

Lucius remarried his second wife Therza whom he had three daughters with: Anna, Flora, and Lucia. Anna Hook Yates was born on May 2, 1872 when Lucius was 40 years old.

Move to Oakland

In about 1876 at the age of 44, Lucius moved his family to Oakland. In the 1880s, his residence was listed at 43rd Street & San Pablo Avenue on a tract owned by Joseph Emery.

In the 1880s, he held the position of Deputy County Clerk. By the end of the decade he was promoted to Deputy County Assessor.

By 1890 he was living with his family at 839 36th Street in North Oakland, only a half block from the Emeryville line.

Anna graduated from Oakland High School in 1892. Following graduation, she was awarded a primary teaching certificate by the county board in 1893 when she was 21.

Oakland Tribune – Jan 04, 1893, p. 1.

Father’s Passing

Lucius died on April 2, 1895 of “general paralysis” at the age of 63. Anna was 23 at the time of his death. This was one year prior to Emeryville incorporating as a town.

A man of some status and notoriety, his obituary appeared the next day on the front page of the Oakland Enquirer. His remains were sent to Stockton for burial.

Clipping: Oakland Enquirer April 3, 1895 p. 1

The obituary also noted that one of his three daughters was a teacher at Emeryville School presumed to be Anna.

The three Yates sisters continued to live at 839 36th St after the death of their father.

The first Emeryville Grammar School was in 1881 and was a rented building at Park and San Pablo Avenue. In 1887, the Emeryville Grammar School moved to a building on San Pablo and 38th Street.

The first school constructed in Emeryville was at 1070 41st Street in 1887.

Anna moved around the area several times over the next couple decades. By 1899, she was living at 2300 Adeline Street. In 1900 she lived at 2251 Market St. In 1902 she lived at 916 35th Street in Oakland.

Yates’ residences throughout her life were clustered around Emeryville and neighboring Oakland communities.

By 1904 she was living in 1083 41st in Emeryville near the Emeryville School where she worked. By 1905, Anna’s two sisters were listed as living at the same address. Lucia worked as a milliner (someone one who makes or sells hats).

Anna lived at 1083 41st Street at least through 1915.

Anna Yates lived in this 1900 built house at 1083 41st St. for at least a decade. There are no historical markers acknowledging this (Photo: Google Maps).

By the 1920s Anna was living at 1075 47th Street in Emeryville. In 1930 she was living at 1079 47th Street.

By 1930 the Emeryville Grammar School had changed its name to Joaquin Miller.

The Marriage Bar

At the time, California school policy was that female teachers would remain single (a practice often referred to as “The Marriage Bar”). It was widely held at the time in education and clerical professions that married women should stay at home and rear children. Employing married women would come at the expense of a man trying to support his family (these policies persisted until the 1960s when they were identified as discriminatory).

All told, Yates taught at the Emeryville school for 34 years. She never married.


Yates died on February 1, 1931 in Albany at the age of 58.

Clipping: Oakland Tribune Feb. 2, 1931 p. 35

The following obituary was published in the February 6th issue of the Emeryville Golden Gate Herald:

“The entire community are grieved to learn of the death of Miss Anna Yates, veteran teacher of the Joaquin Miller Elementary School. She had been a member of the school system for the past 36 years, many of the men and women of Emeryville having gone to school to her as well as their own children. Anna Yates was a woman of sterling character, and had the qualities which make an ideal teacher.

She was respected and loved by all she came in contact, and her pupils idolized her. It may be said of her that she was truly one of God’s women, a woman whose achievements, though not written on shafts of marble or tablets of bronze, are recorded in the greatest record of all, the heart of little children.

In honor of her memory the Board of Education of Emeryville ordered the schools of the city closed Wednesday afternoon, the day of this great teachers funeral.”

School renamed in her honor

A few years after her death, Joaquin Miller Elementary was changed to Anna Yates in honor of her service.

The name was retained when the new elementary school was built at 1070 41st street and when Emeryville K-12 schools were consolidated at the The Emeryville Center of Community Life in 2016.

Photo: annayatesk8.com

Feature Image provided by EUSD.

Robert Arias
  • Cynthia Souza Clogston

    What a great article! I appreciate the time it must have taken you to gather her life story. I completed grades K-6 at Anna Yates during the 1960’s. Our family lived at 1066 47th Street. Little did I know that Anna Yates once lived on our street, or maybe I should say, we lived on her street. Thank you!

    March 19, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • Randy Horton

    Another great article by the Historical Society. I attended Anna Yates in the 60s and I was aware that it had been named after one of its teachers. This is the kind of history that needs to be shared with not only the residents of Emeryville, but also the general public. The change in the direction of the society is a good one. Just recently while I was researching the origins of the names of the streets of Emeryville I discovered that a periodical on hand at the Oakland History Room at the Oakland Main Library was researched and written by a Mr. Lawrence Rand, who was a librarian at Emery High School in the 60s. Thank you for your article.

    March 19, 2023 at 5:38 pm
    • Marc Canizzaro

      Randy, hope you’re doing well. Do you still live in Emeryville area?
      We spent a lot of time playing at Anna Yates. Lots of scrapes and worn out sneakers from that concrete and asphalt yard.

      February 16, 2024 at 10:51 pm
  • Hakan

    Although l never went to school at Anna Yates, we played soccer on the school field growing up. Now moved to overseas to Bodrum. Nice to know who Anna Yates was as l have been always curious.

    April 24, 2023 at 6:18 am
  • Gabriel Quintana

    I went to Anna Yates in the 80s wonderful time still remember every teachers name

    June 22, 2023 at 5:16 pm
  • Bob S

    Excellent research & article. Over the decades I would think about my K-6 years @ Anna Yates and would wonder from time-to-time: “Who was Anna Yates?”.

    Tracking back in time, I graduated from Anna Yates in June 1954 … nice to know about Anna!

    November 29, 2023 at 9:55 pm
  • June Smith steen

    I went to Anna Yates in the 70s my mother was a school crossing guard by Ralph Hawley school for 21 years I loved all of the teachers and we had the greatest principal Mr Cargo

    January 16, 2024 at 10:27 pm
  • Marc Canizzaro

    I attended kindergarten at AY in 1957. Went to Sacred Heart after that. Played on the school yard basketball courts and baseball diamonds with all the local kids in the 50’s and early 60’s. Good years.
    Thanks for the great stories.

    February 16, 2024 at 10:45 pm
  • Roxy Miraválle

    Great stories.

    March 24, 2024 at 5:51 pm

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